The mission of Clearly Focused Productions is to serve as a dramatic voice clearly focused on God’s will as we reach out with Christ-centered messages to our community and beyond. Our goal is to present wholesome theatrical productions that uplift, encourage, and build up all persons. We aim to present evangelical material that opens doors of communication and understanding among Christian denominations, other religious views, and secular opinions.




We believe Clearly Focused Productions is part of God’s plan to enlarge and refine Christian theater and to provide dramatic and musical drama material that speaks to the needs and hearts of all who will hear. We believe His power is at work in us who believe. We aspire to be steadfast and clearly focused so that the Father might use us to reveal how rich are the wonderful blessings he promises His children.

Clearly Focused Productions is committed to a high standard of creative excellence in Christian theater. Our goal is to present original and established dramatic and musical productions that espouse solid Biblical principles and Christian values. We will present the choice for salvation through Jesus Christ. We desire to be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all we do.

Our productions offer opportunities for a diverse cast and crew. We believe that though we are many, we are one body in Christ. We seek the participation of committed believers, but also welcome serious seekers. We will cultivate a working environment of responsibility, accountability, and collegiality. We aspire to provide Christian theater opportunities for those with some theater experience and to develop the talents of those with desire and potential.